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Mi foto
Azul.17 años. De calle. La música es para el alma, rock en la sangre. Amor puro por la lectura. Multimambo. Hunger Games. Mil demonios. Alta wacha. Underground. Graff. Bardo. El sur es hardcore||| HH

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Yes I can see her. Cause every girl here wanna be her..
Oh she's a diva . They feel the same and I wanna meet her. They say she low down. Its just a roomer and I dont believe them, they say she needs to slow down the baddest thing around town
She aint nothing a girl you've ever seen before and nothing you can compare to a neighborhood whore
I'm trying to find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful

Damn you's a sexy bitch ♪

0 éxtasis, lsd y cocaína.:

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